In a world where Wolverine was never reprogrammed, the hero became the ultimate Avengers killer following his own death. In What If...? Wolverine Enemy of the State #1, Logan became one of the greatest killers in the Marvel Universe, taking down so many Avengers as an assassin for Hydra and the Hand that he nearly ended the team for good. The comic showed what would happen if Wolverine took a much darker path instead of joining the X-Men.
In Wolverine's Enemy of the State arc by Mark Millar, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, Paul Mounts, and Rus Wooton, the hero was captured by the Hand and killed by the mutant Gorgon. After his death, the Hand and Hydra resurrected Wolverine turning him into their own killer weapon. Thankfully, the Avengers eventually took down Wolverine and reprogrammed him, returning the hero to his usual self. Logan would ultimately take down the Hand and Hydra. However, aWhat If...? comic asked, what if Wolverine was never reprogrammed? The answer? It would lead to a lot of dead Avengers.
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In What If...? Wolverine Enemy of the State #1 by Jimmie Robinson, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Robert Campanella, and VC's Randy Gentile, the last surviving heroes and Avengers band together for Operation: Wolverine. The mission entails capturing Wolverine and reprogramming him since, after his death, he was turned into a deadly killer by the Hand and Hydra. Wolverine cut off Captain America's left arm and leg and killed numerous heroes, including Luke Cage and Moon Knight. Wolverine continues his rampage on the mission to apprehend him, decapitating Magneto, driving his claws through Captain America's skull, and killing Sue Storm.
Wolverine only stops when Kitty