Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dramatic, action-packed story of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a dark fantasy version of the Later Han Dynasty where demons plague the Three Kingdoms. Players fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using swordplay based on theWo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows the dramatic, action-packed story of a nameless militia soldier fighting for survival in a dark fantasy version of the Later Han Dynasty where demons plague the Three Kingdoms. Players fight off deadly creatures and enemy soldiers using swordplay based on the Chinese martial arts, attempting to overcome the odds by awakening the true power from within.A huge step down from nioh 2 combat wise,graphic wise it's more or less the same.The huge problem with this game is the name imho,they shouldA huge step down from nioh 2 combat wise,graphic wise it's more or less the same.The huge problem with this game is the name imho,they should rename it to: "parry simulator fallen dynasty" And of course as you can expect from a modern console port the optimization on pc....
is beyond terrible. If you don't have a controller good luck playing this game. Tested on a high spec pc.81 for this game is too much.
Even 60 is too optimistic for this game. The controls on PC are insulting, graphics and animations straight from81 for this game is too much. Even 60 is too optimistic for this game.
The controls on PC are insulting, graphics and animations straight from 2011, optimisation is so bad i don't even know how to describe it. Even on the controller the game feels very wacky, especially the camera. Gameplay wise it's pretty good despite the fact that it's basically a sekiro's rip-off.
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