Weekly Shonen Jump is responsible for churning out some of the most successful manga of all time, including Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach. As such, getting a manga to be published by the magazine is a major accomplishment, and slots in its lineup are highly competitive. The competition also means that manga which sell poorly don't last very long.
Thus, hitting 100 chapters is a huge deal, and in most cases guarantees an anime. In fact, every Shonen Jump series released since 2010 with over 100 chapters has gotten an anime, with two exceptions. The first is Koumoto Hajime's Mashle, a Harry Potter meets One-Punch Man action-comedy that just hit its hundredth chapter this month. The other is Hitsuji Gondaira's Mission: Yozakura Family, which currently stands at 122 chapters. Neither series has seen any mention of an anime adaptation. This is especially disappointing for the latter because it truly deserves one.
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Mission: Yozakura Family concerns the siblings of the eponymous Yozakura Family, who are all high-ranking spies. The main character, Taiyo, marries into the family through his childhood friend Mutsumi, who is the family's youngest daughter and also its current head. Much of the story concerns Taiyo recovering from the tragic deaths of his parents and brother, which took place a year before the story begins. Taiyo is adopted into the Yozakura family and moves into their mansion, which is riddled with deadly traps. He eventually finds out that a man named Makoto Kawashita and his organization, Tanpopo, are responsible for his family's deaths, and is determined to get revenge on them. The siblings have their own grudge towards Tanpopo and Kawashita, as they were
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