The anime and manga series Baki, with an original and Netflix adaptation, is iconic within the martial arts genre. Baki features a variety of extremely strong characters that frequently engage in duels to test their strength and skill.
Amongst all the characters, the Hanma family stands out as a breeding ground for hosting a number of exceptional martial artists. Ranging from Yuujiro Hanma to Jack Hanma, the reason for the Hanma family’s strength is shrouded in mystery, with a few hints as to the possible truth.
The Best Martial Arts Anime Of All Time
Baki’s father, Yuujiro Hanma, nicknamed «the strongest creature in history,» is one of the strongest characters in the anime. In the world of martial arts, he is revered as a god due to the countless unbelievable feats he performed. Even America, at some point, considered Yuujiro a menace because all their efforts to get rid of Yuujiro proved fruitless. Due to the countless unfavorable outcomes, America then decided to send in Biscuit Oliva, a powerful man that works for them as an elite prison guard.
However, when Biscuit Oliva meets Yuujiro Hanma, he runs away, stating that he wishes to fight Oliva later in the future. Some fans may have misinterpreted Yuujiro’s actions for fear or cowardice, but the anime soon proves them wrong. Later on in the series, Yuujiro clashes with Oliva and overpowers him, showing that Yuujiro’s previous statement in the past merely suggested that Oliva was an opponent he wanted to enjoy fighting with in the future. After America clashed with Yuujiro, they decided to call a truce, ending the war. In other words, America was defeated by Yuujiro, a one-man army.
In Baki, Yuujiro Hanma's strength was revealed again when he defeated a pre-historic