The 90 Day Fiancé franchise has featured cast members from around the world, including many familiar faces from Eastern Europe. While international couples enter the franchise from many countries, viewers have watched as many women came from Russia and Ukraine to be with American men, though there were also some men who joined American partners. Discover which 90 Day Fiancé cast members are from Ukraine.
Many 90 Day Fiancé franchise fans are currently standing by the Ukrainian cast members as they deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of their home country. Though several of the Ukrainian 90 Day Fiancé cast members are now living in the United States, they are still dealing with the devastation of watching their home country be invaded and are worried for their loved ones. Meanwhile, some 90 Day Fiancé cast members are still living in Ukraine.
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Alexei Brovarnik is the only male in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise to come from Ukraine. While Alexei is originally from Ukraine, he was living in Israel when he met his partner Loren Goldstone. Alexei and Loren now live in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with their two sons and have their own franchise show, Alexei & Loren: After The 90 Days.
Alla Fedoruk comes from Kyiv, Ukraine and joined her partner Matt Ryan in Kentucky with her son Max. Alla and Max became US citizens and appear thriving in the US. Alla and Matt also welcomed a baby girl named Emmalyn in 2020.
Natalie Mordovtseva is another franchise cast member from Kyiv. Natalie was last seen on 90 Day: The Single Life, where her estranged husband Mike Youngquist informed her that he had not filed for her paperwork to remain in the