The 1970s was a groundbreaking era for horror, with The Exorcist (1973) and Halloween (1978) shocking and scaring audiences and making them eager for more creepy tales. By the time the 1980s rolled around, some big franchises began, and it became clear that horror movies were here to stay. Movies from this time period are a fun mix of ghost stories and slashers and also allowed fans to get to know some of the freakiest horror villains who fans could never forget.
While the 1990s had some solid films and the last couple of decades have surprised and excited fans as well, there are several '80s horror movies that still feel as well-done today as they did when audiences first enjoyed them.
5 Underappreciated 80s Horror Movies
There are some interesting fan theories about The Shining and this movie will always be remembered thanks to Jack Nicholson's performance as Jack Torrance, an author staying at a creepy hotel.
This movie is not only one of the greatest from the '80s but it still gets high praise for its incredible setting. The Overlook Hotel is not a place that anyone wants to check into, and whether Jack is writing «All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy» or seeing the terrible twins, the movie still feels scary. If anyone hasn't seen The Shining, it's worth checking out to see a smart adaptation of a Stephen King book. This is also a horror film that fans constantly return to as it felt groundbreaking and still works as a good story.
Although no one really loves the 2009 Friday The 13th remake, it's hard to argue that the 1980 movie is a total classic, introducing movie fans to Jason Voorhees and the famous setting of Camp Crystal Lake.
The idea of a serial killer targeting kids who work at a summer camp is a smart