The 2010 chapter of Unpacking tells the tale of the game’s young protagonist moving in with their love interest. This means that they not only need to find a place for their stuff in empty spaces, but they also need to fit it in around someone else’s things. This chapter gives players four rooms to work across, and one of them is pretty tricky. That’s why we put together this item guide for where to put every item in the 2010 chapter of Unpacking.
Related: Unpacking in real life: how I handled the stress of managing physical spaces
Unpacking the Kitchen in 2010 WalkthroughUnpacking’s 2010 chapter allows users to move items that have already been placed, a stark contrast to previous levels. This is the crux of how they’ll manage to unpack everything in the kitchen. To start, take the items from the shelves next to the sink and put them in the cupboard above the fridge or on top of the oven. Ingredients such as cooking oil and sugar are best placed in the cupboard above the fridge.
Now there’s some extra space, it’s time to take the pressure cooker, pots, and red strainer and put them on those freshly-cleared shelves. Utensils will fit nicely in the drawers on the right-hand side, but the butcher’s knife needs to go in the top drawer for the level to end.
Photos and magnets go on the fridge. It’s also a good idea to put the whiteboard from the bedroom here because it’ll go well with everything else. Put the random electronics that are left over onto the counter and then move on from the kitchen.
Unpacking the Living Room 2010 WalkthroughThe living room in Unpacking’s 2010 chapter is mostly about where to place the colossal number of books the protagonist has brought with them. Smaller items like dice and statues