While Green Hell definitely pulls no punches to the players finding themselves trapped deep within the Amazon Rainforest, there are items that can help. The Grappling Hook is one such item that players can stumble upon, although it does admittedly have limited use.
The Grappling Hook can be found in both survival and story in an area referred to as ‘Overturned Jeep,’ located near (44 W, 16 S) in a ravine by a felled tree. The Grappling Hook, along with a few random pieces of loot, can be found near the bed of the jeep.
The existence of the Grappling Hook, unfortunately, does not mitigate the seemingly consistent changes in elevation across the map. Instead, it can only be used at specific points made for the tool, in which a cutscene plays out. The Grappling Hook survives with the player through respawn, in the event of a death.
Further players will not be able to manually select the Grappling Hook (which appears on a strap of the backpack) from the inventory, but instead prompted when it’s usable. Still, the Grappling Hook is a worthwhile pickup to effectively open more of the map to players. Nothing is worse than realizing that, in order to continue exploration, you have to double back and find a prior location.
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