The Uncharted movie adapts the video game franchise of the same name, but many fans are wondering when it will come to streaming platforms. After being stuck in development for well over a decade (and seeing a great number of directors come and go), the Uncharted movie has finally arrived. With Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg starring as Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan respectively, Uncharted is an exciting adaptation for many video game fans.
Uncharted's story is not a direct adaptation of any one of the franchise's video games, but instead provides a new Uncharted origin story for Tom Holland's Nathan Drake. This allows for more creative freedom in the film's narrative without the need for incorporating the games' continuity. In doing so, Uncharted may risk alienating fans of the games, but it allows for wider box office appeal.
Related: Uncharted Movie's Biggest Risk Is Being Too Similar To Indiana Jones
While fans have been waiting for an Uncharted movie for years, some will undoubtedly opt not to see it in theaters and instead wait for its release to streaming services. With Sony having made deals with both Netflix and Disney, the exact time frame for this hasn't been made entirely clear. Here's when Uncharted can be expected to land on streaming platforms.
As the box office continues to return to normality, Uncharted's is an exclusive theatrical release. At present, it's only possible to watch Uncharted in theaters. This means fans will need to catch it theatrically to compare theUncharted movie's characters to their videogame counterparts sooner rather than later.
The exact time frame for Uncharted to land on streaming platforms hasn't as yet been made official. However, Uncharted's exclusive theatrical release