After a long slumber, The Destructoid Show is coming back, well, today.
We’ve got a shiny new scripted show with a faster pace and two new co-hosts leading the charge, but the goal is the same as it always was: to keep you up to date on what’s happening right now in gaming, and to make you laugh as much as possible.
The Destructoid Show is hosted by Brett Medlock (who just joined the site as our head of video) and Mary Stowe (who’s been in charge of Dtoid’s social media), with tireless editing and extra comedic chaos from Dan Roemer (who’s also holding down the YouTube fort). Real talk: it’s been a lot of work getting this project up and running. I’m so proud of ’em!
With that said, when and where can you tune in? The Destructoid Show will air every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on Snapchat. So… yes, it’s a show for your phone!
Snapchat is a whole new platform for us, with its own dynamics, and we hope you’ll check out The Destructoid Show when you’re on a lunch break, waiting in line, or have a few minutes to spare. This show is something you can fire up and finish in one quick go.
Our first episode covers Tom Holland’s take on Nathan Drake in the new Uncharted movie, what’s up with the gigantic 1.5 patch for Cyberpunk 2077, and PlatinumGames’ recent remarks about the rise of NFTs in gaming, including a great crack at Konami.
The original Dtoid Show came about at a crazy, exciting time in the site’s history, and Tara Long, Max Scoville, and our dear sweet Jonathan Holmes really created something special. It was a video game news show that wasn’t just a video game news show. It was funny and informative, sure, but it was also heartfelt. And my goodness, those skits!
The show’s name will conjure up a lot of different