I’ve really enjoyed my gaming time this week. Whether it’s been jumping into some co-op in Hyper Light Breaker, or taking down some Orcs in Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap, it’s been fun to catch up with friends while taking out a variety of ugly badniks. I’ve also reviewed Freedom Wars Remastered, and taken a look at Game of Thrones: Kingsroad too. Alongside that, I’ve replaced the battery in my 3DS and been playing around with Fire Emblem Awakening, Animal Crossing: New Leaf (of course I immediately received a letter from Winnie to say she’d left sometime in the 8 years since I last played it), and Project X Zone. There’s a bunch of stuff on my account that I only have a minimal memory of too, so that’ll be a fun diversion in the next few weeks.
First up, Tuffcub has been playing Destiny 2. This is little surprise, I know. Meanwhile, Jason joined me for some Hyper Light Breaker and Orcs Must Die! Deathtrap, but mostly it’s been Heroes of Hammerwatch 2, calling it, “The one true game of the year so far.” I think he likes it, and you’ll catch his review later today.
Jim finally finished off the main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance which ends rather abruptly and on a rather obvious cliffhanger. He tells us, “I was tempted to mop up a few of the outlying side quests but figured I’d already spent plenty of time in Bohemia and will no doubt revisit once I get my hands on the sequel.”
That’s not all though, as he moved onto the next on his backlog, Alan Wake 2. He says, “I remember being excited for the original game back on Xbox 360 but didn’t have the same appreciation for its media and literary inspirations at the time, namely Twin Peaks. The sequel is exactly what you’d expect from a survival horror game in a post-RE2 remake world, albeit fuelled by a mind-bending plot that feels like its own autonomous being, giving itself permission to fuse Alan Wake with Remedy’s other video game worlds.”
Ade has been playing the brilliant Unicorn Overlord, saying, “I’ve just reached the
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