Mid-March, Blizzard revealed 12 new Hero Talent Trees in a sneak peek at the new system coming with the The War Within expansion.
Our Vengeance Demon Hunter guide writer, Itamae, offers an early review of the Aldrachi Reaver Demon Hunter Hero Talents that start off with a mostly passive ability that evolves into a rewarding well-rounded reaper of death.
Hero talents are the new system for The War Within and we've seen a number of trees released. Finally, we get a first look at one of the Demon Hunter trees and this time we managed to get a preview before beta! As a reminder, unlike our current talent trees, we will be able to acquire every single node in the Hero Talent tree of our choice, with our only decisions coming in the form of selection between which tree we take and the options on select choice nodes. Our first Hero talent tree is the Aldrachi Reaver, which I had previously predicted to be our physical combat enhancing tree based on the name. As it turns out, that's exactly what we're getting — improvements to our mobility (Vengeful Retreat and Felblade), primary physical abilities (Throw Glaive, Shear, Fracture, and Soul Cleave), melee damage, and souls. While there are a number of potential interactions, let's start piece-by-piece, with a talent breakdown first and then build up with the interactions and finally overall thoughts. Note that for a lot of this, I'm going to primarily be discussing Fracture rather than