The year 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the Kingdom Hearts series. Since its initial launch in 2002, Kingdom Hearts, which centers around original characters traveling to the worlds of various Disney films, has released three main series games and a number of spinoffs, collections, and remixed versions. Throughout the series' history, one of its most highly praised elements has been its music, which features new arrangements of classic Disney tracks alongside original music composed specifically for Kingdom Hearts.
The year-long 20th anniversary celebration of Kingdom Hearts included the long-awaited announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4, which will feature protagonist Sora trapped in a new world called Quadratum, resembling modern-day Tokyo, Japan. Although no release date was announced, fans have already begun speculating about the game. Two major questions include: which Disney worlds will be featured and, will singer Utada Hikaru, who wrote and sang the openings for the first three games, be returning to work on the series?
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While Utada Hikaru's involvement with Kingdom Hearts 4 has not yet been confirmed, they did celebrate the series' 20th anniversary in a very special way. At Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, Hikaru began their set with «Simple and Clean,» the iconic opening to the very first Kingdom Hearts game. They also performed «Face Your Fears,» the opening to Kingdom Hearts 3, which they co-created alongside EDM and dubstep musician Skrillex. Fans were thrilled, and can be seen cheering and singing along to both songs in official Coachella livestreams.
Utada Hikaru, one of Japan's most well-known performers, first became involved in the