Christopher Dring
Head of Games B2B
Monday 6th June 2022
Two Point Studios
Before settling on the concept of a university simulation game, Two Point Studios had a few ideas.
The team, founded by the original creators of beloved 1997 PC game Theme Hospital, was enjoying phenomenal success with its debut title: Two Point Hospital. Even from the beginning, the founders Ben Hymers, Mark Webley and Gary Carr had a vision of creating a series of sim games set in the fictional world of Two Point County -- with several potential settings for the next one.
"[Parent company] Sega had a bigger preference for one of the others, Two Point Precinct," Webley recalls. "But we were so excited by the idea of Two Point Campus, because we kept coming up with new ideas."
Carr continues: "That's the problem with a name. If we had said we are going to do Two Point Time Traveller... that sounds amazing compared with Two Point Library. Ben [Hymers] always says our next game is Two Point Box Factory... meaning, start with something you can build upon, rather than something that is already exciting and has potentially been done. When we were thinking about Campus, Sega was latching onto sexier sounding games. And we kept saying 'stop worrying about what it sounds like, it isn't where it's going to go'."
Two Point Campus will launch on all platforms at the same time
These business management sims, or 'little people games' as the team call them, may sound mundane compared to some of the more outlandish titles on the market. But it's exactly this familiarity that has made the genre so popular, and with people you wouldn't normally expect. Carr and Webley tell how they're worried about a fan called Rosie, a retired nurse who has played more