As soon as Traveller's Tales announced that LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga had gone gold, work on another LEGO game became inevitable. While Traveller's Tales hasn't officially announced its next game yet, it has posted a new job listing that indicates that Traveller's Tales already has plans for its next game. Rather than slowing down and taking a break after LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, it'll apparently move on to the next project as quickly as possible. There's no telling what its next game will look like for now, but The Skywalker Saga certainly suggests TT's next project will be ambitious.
Ambition is a good look for Traveller's Tales' LEGO games; the franchise's annual releases didn't always innovate in major ways, aside from minor mechanics that catered to each game's source material. Future games in The Skywalker Saga's style may feel more meaningfully distinct. However, there is such a thing as too much ambition. While it's great to see that Travellers' Tales is eager to start work on another LEGO game, it needs to pace the last game's development carefully. It won't be easy to make something else of The Skywalker Saga's size, and it needs to do away with The Skywalker Saga's reported crunch.
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Dropping Character Customization is a Major Loss
It goes without saying that LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga took a lot of work to make. Its sheer amount of content is incomparable to traditional LEGO games from Traveller's Tales; The Skywalker Saga's many delays entirely stand to reason in retrospect. Traveller's Tales probably doesn't want to go back to making simple annual games after this, but it also can't have its fast release schedule back in that case. It's simply not