If you are attempting to surpass your best score in today's you will need to win and do so without using all of your guesses. That can be hard, and it is especially so in a puzzle like this one where the words have a lot of crossover and there is one category that seems harder than it should be. If you want to get fast-tracked past that, we have all the hints you need to get in the carpool lane to the right answers and maintain your streak.
If you are looking for a game that is more about constructing words than categorizing them, then the NYT’s puzzle is the right one for you. There are many words out there, but the letters in the hexagons will determine which ones you can actually spell. You will have to be creative, but you have as many guesses as you need to get all the words you can from the letters in the puzzle. The more you get, the more you can boast to your friends later.
If you are looking for hints, this is the puzzle to get them on. There are some confusing words and one category that has way too many possible right answers. Usually, there is a 5th word that might belong somewhere, but in this one,there is also a potential 6th. To avoid that trap, check out the following clues to help you get them all without wasting any guesses. Once you do, you will be off to the races.
Wordle, the popular word-guessing game hosted by The New York Times, has over 1,700 words remaining as possible solutions.
If you are still looking for hints, thecategory names are in the box below. However, that may not help if there is a category with extra potential answers. If that is true, you can proceed to the spoilers below.
This is the category that could mess with you, and it did get to me. That said, I really thought I had guessed this combination of words first, so I was quite angry that the game said I hadn’t. It doesn’t matter that much, and
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