The hit animated Paramount Pictures feature film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, has brought the beloved heroes-in-a-half-shell to a new generation. Considered one of the most popular kids’ franchise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a monolith of pop culture and has spawned countless movies, shows, video games, comics and more across the last forty years. What started as a comic book series in 1984 has taken off to be a global name — with some of its media being the best in the business. To add to the mountain of TMNT goods, Outright Games has announced a brand new video game taking place in the Mutant Mayhem world.
Taking place months after the events of the movie, the game will feature unique visuals inspired by the film’s painterly art style, while still maintaining the frantic energy the ninjas are known for. To briefly recap the film: years of being sheltered away from the human world have left the Turtle brothers longing for acceptance. Along with April O-Neil, they work together to take down a mysterious crime syndicate with the hopes of finally being accepted as “normal” teenagers. Featuring classic TMNT humor within the narrative, players will control the Turtles as they interact with a menagerie of franchise characters and fight to save New York City from a larger mutant threat. It’s no surprise that Outright Games has claimed the spotlight, as the British video game publisher has always focused on kids’ titles from some of pop culture’s greatest franchises. From Ben 10, Adventure Time, How to Train Your Dragon and more, Outright Games has been a heavy hitter in the family-friendly market.
The collaboration sees a longstanding cooperation between Outright and Nickelodeon. “We’re overjoyed to have