is heavily focused on guilds. Players who want to help their guild succeed will need to develop the best builds for their characters. Part of that is determining the best weapon combos. Unlike most MMORPGs, the traditional class system is replaced by the ability to choose two weapons. These weapons determine what abilities and playstyle players end up with. For example, some guns are great for melee players, while others are good for support and healing players.
There are several weapons to choose from and even more combinations. Choosing weapons that complement each other is important to build the best character. Players will need to pick a weapon for their dominant and secondary hands. Choosing the right weapons comes down to a player’s specific play style. The weapon choices below are some of the best and cater to all different styles.
The Wand & Dagger weapon combination is good for those who enjoy both ranged and melee attacks while also enjoying playing support. When using the Wand & Dagger combo, you should keep a watchful eye on both friend and foe and use abilities like Curse Explosion and Swift Healing to make the best of your build. It would be best if you also watched your mana, as the Wand & Dagger combo has a high cost.
Depending on your class in Throne and Liberty, you'll want to focus on leveling up certain stats that match your archetype's unique strengths.
Another benefit of using the Wand & Dagger combo is that it hasgood DPS and AoE. Unlike most weapon combinations, you’ll get the benefit of using either weapon as your primary one. The choice depends on your particular play style.
The Wand should be your primary weapon if you prefer ranged attacks. If you prefer melee fights, then choose the Dagger. If you do go with the Dagger and find yourself in a tough situation, you can use abilities like Camouflage Cloak and Swift Healing to overcome hurdles.
For those who like dealing burst damage, as shown in Zeradvideo, the Crossbow & Dagger