Rockstar’s renowned open-world game, Grand Theft Auto 5, has just hit a seriously low price during a Steam sale. With the game coming in on its own at half off and joining additional content in discounted bundles, there is no better time to jump into Grand Theft Auto 5 than now if you have yet to experience the glory of committing crimes without any consequences. The fifth instalment in Rockstar’s iconic series offers hundreds (dare I say, even thousands) of thrilling gameplay hours, making it well worth a look.
While GTA 5 would usually cost you a hefty $29.99 / £24.99, you can currently grab it on Steam during a sale marking it down by 50%. The base game comes in at just $14.99 / £14.99 right now, but you can also get various bundles including GTA 5 as well as in-game currency and additional content. For instance, the Premium Edition bundle which comes with GTA 5 itself and the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack is over half off right now, discounted by 63%.
You can also opt to get various Premium Edition and Shark Card Bundle combinations for cheap if you are looking to get some cash for your online-mode shenanigans. There are different Shark Card bundles, like the Megalodon one or the Great White one. If you already have the base game, these bundles can come in handy since Steam still allows you to buy whatever you don’t yet own for the marked-down price rather than making you pay fully for separate things.
There’s even more reason to grab GTA 5 now than just the sale, and that is its soon-to-come San Andreas update. Online players are getting a huge new story update this summer with a variety of vehicles and all sorts of fun missions to take on with friends. Updates like this are frequent, as Rockstar doesn’t seem to