The Dragon Ball franchise has long since been known for its plethora of transformations, primarily the various unique forms of Super Saiyan that Goku and other heroes achieve throughout the series. The 2013 film Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods introduced fans to the idea of a Super Saiyan God, a transformation that has had several subsequent forms attached to it later, but the most powerful of these forms may never be seen again.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission chapter 15 begins with Goku and company on the ropes after a drawn out battle with the new Dark King, Fu. Fu has recently absorbed the power of Dogidogi, a dark mirror to Tokitoki, a bird that controls the flow of time. It was prophesied that the appearance of Dogidogi would result in the destruction of all universes, and with Fu in control of its power this prophecy seems like it’s about to come to fruition. Fu’s ultimate plan seems to be to resurrect something called the Universe Tree and revert all time in the entire universe back to a state of zero. In order to stop him, Goku plunges himself into the Universe Tree and takes on its power, transforming into a state never before seen.
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When Goku first enters the Universe Tree, Fu dismisses this idea entirely, stating it is foolish to think he won't just be swallowed up by the Universe Tree’s immense power. Moments later, however, Fu notes that the flow of the Universe Tree has changed completely. Goku arrives back in the fight, now with the power of the Universe Tree coursing through him. This new form is officially called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (Universe Tree Power). Due to the unique circumstances that allow Goku to