Gazlowe has played a part in our adventures for a very long time. But who is he, and where might he be heading next? Nobbel87 answers these questions and more in the Story of Gazlowe.
Hello everyone!
Monte Gazlowe has replaced Gallywix as leader of the Bilgewater Cartel Goblins, the goblins allied with the horde. The man has been around for a really long time. From the foundation of Orgrimmar back in Warcraft 3 all the way to joining us into Khaz Algar with the War within. Before we talk a bit more about his actions and role within the story, let's first dive a little bit deeper and talk about the history of the goblins: their cartels, their capital, and the vision Monte Gazlowe has for their future...
“My friends call me: The Master Blaster.”
The early goblins were not goblins at all, not until the primitive race that roamed the forestlands near Ulduar were taken by Keeper Mimiron who was busy experimenting with a substance called Kaja’mite. This stuff greatly enhanced their intellect and turned them into the industrious breed of goblins that we know...but that’s about where the history of their evolution ends. It doesn’t really explain why Mimiron was experimenting, was it just for fun, just to see what would happen or did the keeper have other things in mind and once the experiments were successful, what did he do with the goblins? That’s not really recorded in the history books, perhaps one day we could ask him…
What we do know is that many years later, we’d see Goblins serve the mad dragon aspect Deathwing in the days of the War of the Ancients. 10.000 years ago, the Burning Legion trying to come into Azeroth and Deathwing betraying them all as he listened to the whispers of the old gods. With the aid of the goblins, he forged a powerful relic called the Dragon Soul which allowed him to cause massive devastation to the legion’s army, but also Azeroth’s defenders and his fellow dragons. The corruption from within would burst to the surface