The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise has grown through multiple identifiable generations, marked by hugely important creative choices for better and for worse. One era in the franchise is remembered for a variety of comical moves in the desperate battle to be cool, some of which are so lame that they become iconic.
Sonic the Hedgehog has immediately grown from a beloved video game film adaptation to a full-blown cinematic universe. The films won't adapt the games directly, but will clearly take elements from the source material. Though there is an unquestioned golden age of the Sonic games, there are a few creative choices, which aren't good choices but are somehow linked to the character.
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The firstSonic the Hedgehog film has a soundtrack, and that's about all the average viewer would be prepared to recall about it. It's pretty good, it even briefly includes a couple of moments of reference to the source material. The score is composed by Junkie XL, who has been hugely prolific. His work scores films from Godzilla vs. Kong, to Mad Max: Fury Road. Sonic's soundtrack, however, would be tough to pick out from any randomly selected competing action movie, especially when compared to the rest of Junkie XL's work. Movie soundtracks rarely breakthrough or become hits in their own right these days, beyond the occasional superhero theme song. However, the Sonic franchise might just have the secret weapon that would make its soundtrack more memorable, by making it worse.
It's fair to say that the early Sonic games feature some of the best music of the 16-bit era and beyond. The franchise is packed with outstanding compositions and stellar theme tunes that stick in the mind of