Reverse Harem Anime, love it or hate it is a popular genre among female audiences in the anime industry. However, unlike its sister (or in this case, brother) genre, it has a large number of shortcomings. The main characters almost always have no individuality and are written in accordance with gender norm conventions. Harem Anime, on the other hand usually consists of a male lead with a goal or ambition in mind and develops into a more complex character as the story goes on.
Reverse Harem Anime, generally speaking, doesn't utilize its female characters to their fullest potential, rather opting to make them a mere accessories for whatever the attractive suitor of the week is. In addition to this, she will almost always put up with any kind of abuse thrown at her and will play the role of the damsel in distress. Regular Harem Anime on the hand, tend to have more of a diverse set of characters, including the main character. Not only is the male lead given an opportunity to grow, but the others around him have a large contribution to the plot which makes it an all-around enjoyable watch. This is the biggest aspect Reverse Harem anime lacks.
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Arguably the second most frustrating thing about Reverse Harem Anime for female viewers is the lack of a proper conclusion. Most of these Anime leaves off without the main character choosing a suitor, and if she does, it's usually the one that mistreats her the most.
The Reverse Harem genre tries too hard to cater to a stereotypical female audience that is no longer there. Merely taking a regular Harem Anime and literally reversing it, retaining the same tropes as the former would suffice as an affective true «Reverse Harem» Anime. The female