The Password Game is probably the most absurd videogame I’ve ever seen, and everyone should be playing the free game right now. You’re given the simple task of generating a secure password via in-game prompts, and what begins like any other password creation very quickly becomes about perfect chess moves, raising a chicken, and playing GeoGuessr.
Neal Agarwal’s free The Password Game starts out exactly as you’d expect: you need to include, letters, numbers, and special characters in a password. Then you need your individual numbers to add to a certain number, write out a month of the year, and even the name of a company logo. All of a sudden you’re adding a random CAPTCHA into a password, and it only gets more absurd from there.
Today’s Wordle, the current phase of the moon as an emoji (no, I’m not joking), and finding the name of a country in a built-in game of GeoGuessr are just a few of your challenges.
If it wasn’t already apparent, The Password Game is pure brilliance. Not only does it get more absurd, but it turns you into a sort of internet detective, having to use search engines like Google to answer questions and create an increasingly absurd password. Agarwal also made the videogame version of the trolly problem that keeps getting harder and has plenty more to experience, so you’ve likely seen their work before.
I’d end up looking for signs or words in the GeoGuessr game and translating them to guess the country, only to then be met with needing to write the best move in an “algebraic chess notation,” and I didn’t expect I’d be learning about the history of chess moves today.
After sharing the game, Agarwal says “there are rules in this game that ensure I will never see the pearly gates” and I’ll be honest, I