Naughty Dog’s Uncharted franchise has not only received critical and commercial acclaim with every entry, but has also managed to cement itself as one of Sony’s tent pole franchises. The adventures of Nathan Drake and friends have now become a household name in gaming, and fans just can’t seem to get enough of them.
Between the recent confirmation of three games being in active development at Naughty Dog and the release ofUncharted on the big screen, many fans are hoping to see this beloved franchise return on Sony’s latest console. Whether that eventually happens remains to be seen, but a new Uncharted game would house the perfect opportunity to address one major narrative criticism nevertheless.
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The medium of games is known for its ability to tell stories through interaction, although most modern AAA titles use both gameplay and curated cutscenes for narrative purposes. When both work in harmony with each other, a ludonarrative symmetry is achieved. However, when the gameplay and the narrative elements start to go into different tangents, a ludonarrative dissonance grows. Uncharted has been one of the strongest examples of this point of narrative criticism.
Series protagonist Nathan Drake is a cold-blooded killer with a body count that ranges in the thousands, yet he is portrayed as a jolly and charismatic character in cutscenes. When viewed through a gameplay lens, Nathan Drake is clearly a remorseless killer, yet he wouldn’t kill his nemeses when given the chance. These are two very extreme personalities that seem to be mixed into one person, which can make the character feel messy as a result. While one can argue that Uncharted has always been about light-hearted