The series has been a high-profile franchise since the original installment in 1993. While not the first first-person shooter game, ushered the genre into the mainstream in brilliant, gory fashion. Since its debut in the early 1990s, has spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs, as well as films, books, and many other forms of media. Naturally, the story of has branched off into numerous directions, creating its own universe of lore in which the Doomguy has been reimagined many times over. With recently announced, now is a great time to get the story straight.
If excluding all media outside of the video games, essentially has three core timelines. Of course, each timeline is packed full of blood-hungry hellions, but how the Doomguy is portrayed, as well as his backstory, changes vastly with each. Another factor that differs in each timeline is why the space marine is on Mars in the first place. From mad scientists and corporate villains to cosmic battles between the angelic and demonic, the space marine has truly seen it all. Get ready to go to Hell and back as we examine the three main timelines of the games.
Announcing DOOM: The Dark Ages in a trailer revealed at Xbox Games Showcase, June 2024. Wishlist on Xbox GamePass, Xbox Series X|S, PC or PlayStation.
In the original, an unnamed space marine toils on Mars and its moons for the UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation). The marine was stationed there as punishment for assaulting a senior officer after refusing an order to harm unarmed civilians. On the surface of Mars and its moons, Deimos and Phobos, the UAC conducts clandestine experiments regarding interdimensional travel. Disregarding safety measures, Hell literally breaks loose when the UAC’s experiments accidentally open a rift in dimensions, allowing the denizens of Hell to escape into humanity's reality. Carnage ensues, and the Doomguy travels to Hell itself to crush the invading hordes.
The sequel, , sees Doomguy return to Earth only to find his homeworld