The Dragon Prince's executive producer, Aaron Ehasz, teased a surprising story arc for Callum (Jack De Sana) in season 4. The Dragon Prince is a computer-animated fantasy series that premiered on Netflix on September 14, 2018. The series follows two human prince step-brothers, Callum and Ezran (Sasha Rojen), and the Moonshadow elf, Rayla (Paula Burrows), an unlikely trio that sets out to return the infant dragon prince, Azymondias, to his home in Xadia. Caught in the middle of two worlds — the human kingdom and the land of magical creatures — locked in a centuries-long conflict, their mission could be the only hope of restoring peace.
The Dragon Prince has received excellent reviews, boasting a perfect 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes and being compared to the likes of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Hence, anticipation is high for the show's fourth season, which is set to debut in November of 2022. Meanwhile, The Dragon Prince season 4 features a 2-year time jump. During this time jump, Ezran becomes King of Katolis, while Callum becomes the king's High Mage. However, Callum's story will go a bit deeper than his new appointment in the kingdom.
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In an exclusive interview withScreen Rant at SDCC, Ehasz revealed a surprising season 4 arc for Callum. In particular, the season will focus on Callum's reaction to Rayla leaving. However, he is coping by shutting off certain emotions and focusing his energy on other things. This causes some character distortion, and some experiences viewers might not expect to see from Callum. Check out Ehasz's statement below:
We're starting to see Callum's reaction to Rayla leaving. He has certain parts of himself that are