Achieving World First requires a great deal of time, dedication, and mastery to the game, but another important metric is the extreme sums of gold that go into funding the world race. The NA, EU, and CN guilds competing in the Race to World First routinely spend hundreds of millions of gold in order to compete — buying everything from raid consumables, to BoE gear, Mythic+ and PvP carries, or paying other players to trade their loot drops during split runs. This year, the Sepulcher of the First Ones took that to an entirely new level, setting new records for gold spent during a Race to World First.
JiTianHong spent 1.1 billion gold. Liquid spent 723 million gold. Method spent 480 million gold BDGG spent 293.5 million gold. SK Pieces spent 289.6 million gold. Echo has not yet reported their spending this tier. Keep in mind that regional differences result in gold having different values across the game. Using regional WoW Token prices for the sake of comparison, JiTianHong spent 52% more gold than Liquid, but in China that amounts to «only» $32,000 USD, an amount slightly lower than BDGG's spending, while Liquid's 723 million gold equates to nearly three times more at $93,000 USD! Using the same conversions, this puts Method's spending at approximately $41,000 USD, BDGG at around $37,000 USD, and SK Pieces at roughly $25,000 USD.Team Liquid (previously Complexity Limit) has consistently reported their spending each tier, allowing us to see how it has changed over the last several years. They spent 257 million gold in Ny'alotha, and although Castle Nathria was expected to cost less due to the absence of BoE corruptions, their spending ballooned to 331 million gold. Spending actually went down in Sanctum of Domination,