Battlestate Games' Escape from Tarkov remains in early access, hugely popular, and plagued by the same old community complaints it's had since its initial release in 2017. One persistent strain of the latter has always been cheaters, which are bad enough in a fire-and-forget shooter like Warzone but incredibly frustrating to come across in an experience where accumulated loot and gear are a fundamental part of the game.
Every so often Battlestate goes public about a banwave, but it's never too long before the complaints start popping up again. These reached a fever pitch recently after the recent wipe, with a widespread feeling that the problem was worse than ever. Now Battlestate COO Nikita Buyanov has addressed the community in a manner that could be described as blunt.
In a post titled «Hackers, cheaters and other related scum of the earth» Buyanov continues on in that vein though, as we'll see, not everyone's impressed. «Every time for a long time, unfortunately, one way or another, a problem with cheaters pops up,» writes Buyanov, «And people immediately start blaming us for not caring. They begin to bury the game.»
Buyanov says the studio is «sensitive» to such criticism, which is quite amusing in the context of Tarkov being one of the most bleak and brutal games out there, and says rather than writing an essay he'll make the following points:
«Your worries and indignations are 100% clear to us», writes Buyanov. «And always have been. Report all these bastards, we will make the game cleaner together.»
The bad language and tone of defiance may well get the blood pumping, but it wasn't long before members of the Tarkov community began pointing out that, er, we've been here before. Buyanov's response was more florid