The upcoming animated series Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi will include young Qui-Gon Jinn and Jedi Count Dooku. Unveiled during Star Wars Celebration 2022, the show has been described as an anthology of original animated shorts, and will feature several stories highlighting different Jedi from the prequel era. While an exact release date has yet to be confirmed, the series is set to arrive on Disney+ this fall.
While specific plot details remain scarce, the long-rumored Star Wars anthology series will chronicle the adventures of the Jedi Order during the Republic era, and will include shorts focusing on fan-favorite characters such as Ahsoka Tano. Footage that was screened from Tales of the Jedi during its Star Wars Celebration panel included an episode focusing on Ahsoka's early life, with scenes of her as baby and toddler. This footage also confirmed Tales of the Jedi will see Ahsoka reunited with her master, Anakin Skywalker, with one scene depicting a training session between the two. Audiences should expect more familiar Star Wars characters to appear as well, including two of the most iconic force-wielders from Episodes 1-3.
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During the panel at this year's Star Wars Celebration, writer/director Dave Filoni revealed that Qui-Gon Jinn and Count Dooku will both be making appearances in Tales of the Jedi. Dooku's shorts will see the character at a time before he came a Sith, and will feature Mace Windu and his padawan, a young Qui-Gon, voiced by Liam Neeson's son. It was also confirmed that Liam will once again be returning to a galaxy far, far away to voice the adult version of the legendary Jedi Master as for the show.
While making The Mandalorian, Filoni