In the DC Universe, Superman is often held up as the icon of the perfect hero, but he has a certain view of superheroes that one Justice League ally considers unreasonably arrogant, leading to a debate which might change how fans perceive superheroes.
The criticism comes from Arthur Curry, better known as Aquaman, during a time in his life when his hand was replaced by a hook after being eaten by piranha. Often called the Superman of the Sea, Aquaman's ancestral history is not all that different from Superman's. While Krypton was destroyed completely in a cataclysm, Aquaman's Atlantis faced a similar tragedy when it sunk beneath the ocean surface in antiquity. However, although they are similar tales, the outcomes of each shaped the heroes in different ways.
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Superman and Aquaman have their conversation in the opening pages of JLA Secret Files and Origins #2, from Christopher Priest and Yanick Paquette. In this particular story, Aquaman criticizes Superman for believing it is their job to protect humanity. Superman pushes back, arguing that metahumans represent what may be «mankind's only hope.» Aquaman calls that view of being a hero «arrogant.» He agrees that superhumans play a role in society, but that in the grand scheme of things, they can never know the result of their actions, and can only hope to do good. While the two agree it's worth the effort to do the good deeds only they can accomplish, Aquaman cautions against seeing superhumans as vital to society. It turns out this difference of opinion comes down to a fundamental difference in their origins.
Aquaman's argument is that Atlantis suffered exactly the kind of cataclysm superheroes are there to