Super Mario Odyssey is one of the most delightful 3D Mario games. Flourishes such as Mario being able to ride a moped through a place called New Donk City, or the fact that you can turn into a whole dang dinosaur and smash through worlds, distinguish it even among the fierce competition of other Mario games. It has always been good, but now a group of content creators are playing it in an entirely new way by turning its colorful world into a giant playground for hide-and-seek.
In a video called “Mario Odyssey Hide and Seek just got CLASSIC,” YouTuber and streamer Cjya, a creator known for speedruns and challenge runs of Mario games, joined up for a lighthearted stream playing a modded version of the game with five other streamers: SmallAnt, Fir, GrandPooBear, EazySpeezy, and CraftyBoss925.
The group is a chaotic mix of players with high technical abilities who like to put unique spins on streaming Nintendo games. GrandPooBear became well known for his ability to beat super difficult Mario ROM hacks and his completion of a marathon of expert levels in Super Mario Maker 2. SmallAnt became popular for modded content and challenges in Pokémon. Every person finds ways to put their own twist on classic games, which makes them the perfect group to get together for hide-and-seek.
Super Mario Odyssey contains countless nooks and crannies to hide the game’s many Power Moons, virtual collectibles that Mario is tasked with finding in the game, and now those make for the best hiding spots. The seekers count, the rest of the players hide, and then it’s up to the seekers to find and tag the other players to win the round.
In one notable moment, Cjya chases SmallAnt across the Cascade Kingdom, which prompts a high-flying, hat-flinging goose chase where at one point SmallAnt barely escapes via a perfectly timed roll.
Being able to hear everyone at once makes it feel like hanging out with friends. What’s more, viewers can switch between streams so when one person is seeking,