Before Sucker Punch Productions created the critically acclaimed Ghost of Tsushima, it developed a superhero franchise of its own. The Infamous series was a PlayStation exclusive franchise that was inspired by superhero comic books. The first two games in the franchise followed Cole MacGrath in a world filled with powered people and a government that wanted to control this. The third entry introduced players to Delsin Rowe, a man who discovered that he too had powers in this world. However, since 2014, Sucker Punch has not made another entry in the franchise.
The Infamous series was a lot of fun, and has garnered a bit of a fanbase. If there is one thing that the franchise showed audiences, it is that Sucker Punch knows how to make a superhero based game. Currently, Marvel and DC are thriving in the game medium, with many game studios getting to play around in the superhero space. While Sucker Punch has not revealed the next chapter in the Infamous saga, maybe it should try its hand at crafting a game in the Marvel or DC playground instead. Not only would the studio be able to leverage what it has learned to make a pretty fun game, but it could also help further build out PlayStation's Marvel video game series, or give the company a stake in the DC landscape.
The Next InFamous Title Should Follow InFamous 2's Evil Ending
Sucker Punch's Infamous series first started back in 2009 on the PS3. The series was an original superhero tale set in a brand-new superhero universe. The series began by following Cole MacGrath after he gained electricity powers from an explosion in Empire City, a city inspired by New York City. He gained these powers at the expense of many lives, and the government quickly quarantined the city. Organized