For decades, Studio Ghibli has captivated audiences with its breathtaking animation and lovable stories, bringing fantastical worlds to life with unforgettable characters. From the quiet magic of to the epic journey of, Studio Ghibli has consistently proven its ability to adapt folklore and mythology into amazing tales. But it has been years since we have seen a groundbreaking new anime from the studio. With the upcoming release of there is no better time for Ghibli to adapt the beloved video game series into an anime.
Despite its critical acclaim, has never received an anime adaptation. The game's story is full of Japanese folklore, following Amaterasu, the sun goddess reincarnated as a white wolf, on her quest to restore light to a darkened world. This mythological foundation is the kind of material that Studio Ghibli thrives on, and an anime adaptation would not only make the story better but also introduce it to a broader audience.
One of the best aspects of is how it weaves Japanese mythology into its story. The game’s main plot borrows heavily from the myth of Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess, and her battle with the eight-headed serpent Orochi. Studio Ghibli has a long history of drawing from folklore, as seen in and. By adapting, Ghibli could dive even deeper into Japan’s mythological roots, creating a story that is loved by both modern and traditional audiences.
Hayao Miyazaki cannot seem to stay away from retirement because of his passion for creating meaningful stories.
In Ameterasu's story is made better by her partnerships with other characters from folklore. For instance, Issun, a tiny traveling artist, is based on the tale of Issun-boshi, a miniature samurai. Studio Ghibli’s ability to breathe life into eccentric, lovable characters would shine in bringing Issun and others like him to the screen. The game’s reinterpretation of myths, such as the sake-fueled defeat of Orochi, is full of both humor and drama, elements that Ghibli is a master at.