The next major installment for the Street Fighter franchise is just days away now, and if you’ve been watching the Steam page for this game, you might have caught an update. A new update just landed on the Steam page that we’re finding out about, thanks to PCGamesN. It looks like Capcom has made an update to alert consumers that this game will feature Denuvo DRM. That shouldn’t come to much of a surprise as we’ve seen Capcom use this DRM on other game releases. But oddly enough, the DRM wasn’t added to the Steam page until just now.
If you’re uncertain what Denuvo is, then we can offer some insight. This is digital rights management or otherwise known as DRM. Essentially, this anti-tamper technology software is implemented into products like video games. That makes it difficult for pirates to successfully crack a video game to which they can release the files online for others to acquire. But that doesn’t mean it’s not free from issues, as players have expressed their disinterest in Denuvo for its hit on gameplay performance.
In the past, we’ve seen video games show a performance boost when a title drops its Denuvo DRM. That might make it enticing for players to seek a crack out for the game even if they purchase a copy legitimately. But this Denuvo DRM will not last on a game forever. But with that said, don’t expect Street Fighter 6 to lose its DRM anytime soon. Recently, Capcom dropped Denuvo DRM on Resident Evil Village, but that game was previously available for consumers to pick up for a few years.
After a few years, most of the revenue expected from consumers might play a role in when DRM should be removed. As a result, some games get updated with the DRM being removed, which can result in a slight performance