The Star Wars Expanded Universe has been a much-loved part of the space opera franchise for decades, having technically spawned before even A New Hope, with the novelization of that story released as a book prior to the movie's release. Over the decades, the Expanded Universe covered anything not covered by the movie timeline, and even featured stories within the Original Trilogy time period.
Star Wars fans were split down the middle in opinion when Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm Ltd led to the vast majority of Star Wars EU material being labeled as Legends. This effectively rebooted the entire Expanded Universe with a clean slate, with only the movies, Rebels, and The Clone Wars standing as canon. Since then, the new Star Wars Expanded Universe has featured dozens of books, hundreds of comic issues, and even games.
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The original Expanded Universe had swathes of books, games, and comics. It covers times ranging from the Old Republic era, which took place tens of thousands of years before the Original Trilogy and contains some of the best Star Wars Legends books, all the way to the New Jedi Order, which went as long as over a hundred years after A New Hope. While fan opinion was mixed on the quality of the EU when considered as a whole, no fan can deny the memories that many Star Wars lovers had with the stories and series sustained along with the old EU's extensive history.
That all changed when Disney acquired Lucasfilm and chose to essentially start with a clean slate, with only Lucas' Saga, The Clone Wars, and Rebels starting off as canon. Fans who want to read the stories from Legends can still do so, but those who care about canon may want to stick to the new canon,