Although the Star Wars franchise’s Stormtroopers are often dismissed as bumbling cannon fodder, a Legends-era comic shows that they’re truly a ruthless and frightening enemy of the Rebels and the common beings of the galaxy. Throughout the original Star Wars trilogy, Stormtroopers are generally seen fighting protagonists like Princess Leia or Han Solo, who defeat them with relative ease and seem impossible to hit with blaster bolts. This has, unfortunately, led Stormtroopers to become exaggeratedly incompetent in the minds of many viewers and even characters in-universe, despite their brutish and murderous history throughout the franchise.
In both the post-2014 canon continuity and the Legends timeline, Stormtroopers are the elite recruited soldiers of the Galactic Empire. Although their skill in battle pales in comparison to the Republic’s Clone Troopers, the Empire’s Stormtroopers are still a well-trained and well-equipped fighting force who commit atrocities across the galaxy without question. The Empire claimed worlds with their less-iconic Imperial Army Troopers while Stormtroopers enforce the will of Emperor Palpatine more directly and fight the Empire’s most important battles.
Related: Star Wars' Clone Troopers Don't Deserve Their 'Stormtrooper-Lite' Image
One such mission, the search for the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, is shown throughout the four-issue comic series Vader’s Quest, by Darko Macan and Dave Gibbons. In its second issue, a squad of Stormtroopers is clearing up loose ends during their search on the Outer Rim world of Dubrava. Upon murdering a Rebel sympathizer in a Dubravan bar, patrons begin fighting back, causing the Stormtroopers to retaliate by locking down the building, setting it on fire