Naboo’s forgotten king holds the key to improving Star Wars’ Darth Plagueis. When Disney acquired George Lucas’ franchise, many of the books that expanded the Star Wars universe became classified as “Legends,” stories that would no longer be considered canon. The lines between the two aren’t always clear, and Disney continues to draw Star Wars’ Legends material into canon, Palpatine’s ascension to the Senate being affirmed through Marc Sumerak’s Secrets of the Sith, for example. Yet there are other, much lesser-known characters hiding in Legends that still have an opening to impact the greater canon storyline.
Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace introduced Palpatine’s home planet of Naboo. Over time, Legends stories began to shed more light on the luscious world, which was also home to Padmé (Naberrie) Amidala, Anakin Skywalker’s future wife and mother to Luke and Leia. James Luceno’s Darth Plagueis, a Legends novel, added some significant information regarding King Ars Veruna, Queen Amidala’s predecessor. While the canon novel Queen’s Peril by E.K. Johnston has partially retconned Veruna, saying that instead, Queen Sanandrassa was Amidala’s direct predecessor, there is still space for Veruna to have ruled earlier and made his connection to Plagueis known.
Related: Palpatine Wasn’t Star Wars’ Mastermind (It Was Plagueis)
Johnston’s upcoming novel, Queen’s Hope, which features Anakin and Padmé’s wedding day, could still solidify Veruna’s place in canon, potentially building up Darth Plagueis' story. The move would answer many questions surrounding what happened to Naboo’s forgotten king, and now is the perfect time to bring him back and prove how important he is to Star Wars and one of the most mysterious Sith Lords