Soul Hackers 2 is the latest installment in the iconic Shin Megami Tensei (SMT) franchise. The upcoming turn-based JRPG from Atlus and Sega is their first multi-platform release in a long time. The game will grace most major platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, XB1 and XSS|S on August 26, 2022.
Whether you're a newcomer charmed by the game's esthetic or are hyped for a brand new sub-series entry, here's all you need to know about Soul Hackers 2.
The game revolves around Ringo, a super-intelligent AI created under Aion to band together a group of Devil Summoners. These people can talk to, summon and order demons of various kinds using a "gun-computer" or GUMP, which returns from the original Soul Hackers. This useful tool doesn't just replace the series' traditional Demon Summoning Program but also acts as a firearm for combat.
Ringo's ultimate goal is to prevent Summoners' deaths by aiding them and stopping the apocalypse. Facing the threat of the prophesized Great One, the team must also take down the nefarious Phantom Society, who also seem to be making a comeback from the first game.
Additionally, it seems like some of Ringo's party members hold a grudge against the evil organization. Fellow characters include the reserved Yatagarasu member Arrow, the Phantom Society-affiliated Milady, and Sazio, the "third wheel" between the two. Figue is another "Agent of Aion" born at the same time as Ringo. However , she plays a supporting role to the cast at the forefront.
Visually, Soul Hackers 2 sports a cel-shaded art style for both the world and its inhabitants (both human and otherwise). There also seems to be a little bit of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Liberation Dx2 influence on the world and UI design. The overall art direction also