I’m definitely getting the springtime vibes from the UK’s weather this weekend, with the sunshine warming you despite the cool air, but the lingering threat that tomorrow’s just going to be wet, windy and cold. We’re also in the middle of a rich run of game releases, with some long-awaited games coming out this week, and so gaming juggernauts just on the horizon.
We had a good crop of new game launches this week, including the release of “development hell” poster-child Dead Island 2. Has it been worth the wait? Probably not, but it’s still a fun zombie battler. Meanwhile, with another heavily delayed game, Advance Wars is pretty much as good as you remember from the GBA originals.
Outside of the review, Dom went hands on with the early access release of Disney Speedstorm, having a good time with the kart racer from the big mouse, but wondering if it can truly compete with Mario Kart.
And What We Played featured Dead Island 2, Advance Wars and Burning Shores.
Oxenfree 2: Lost Signals receives a July release date
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 5 features Elder Dragon Amatsu
Andrewww finished off the story of Stray (taking many screenshots along the way), and after bouncing off Omno and Relicta, started playing Sackboy: A Big Adventure, which is sure to be played through with his kids the next few weeks.
That’s all for this week, so enjoy your weekend and we’ll see you again soon!
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