Solos, an Amazon Prime Original anthology series, follows several seemingly unconnected characters, but their stories converge in Solos' ending episode. Each episode of Solos season 1 is a self-contained story, usually featuring only one actor in a single setting, where a character is relating or living a pivotal moment in their life with a science fiction twist.
The episodes of Solos season 1 jump from one character to the next, following characters like Leah (Anne Hathaway) in her attempt to contact the future and Tom (Anthony Mackie) as he uses a controversial product to care for his family after his death. Some stories have more explicit connections — like Tom and Peg (Helen Mirren), who are quickly revealed to be father and daughter — but most characters’ journeys are untethered from the rest until the end.
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Solos season 1's episodes occur at vastly different points on the timeline, with Solos' cast of characters scattered far into humanity’s future. Likewise, the stories take place across time and space, in settings like a basement laboratory, a spaceship, a memory storage facility, and a specialized quarantine house. Solos' ending only reveals how these far-flung stories could be connected as it arrives at the story of Stuart. Here's how the ending of Solos season 1 brings everything together as the characters connect, and what exactly Solos' meaning is supposed to be.
In the final episode of Solos season 1, Otto (Dan Stevens) arrives on a beach where a dementia patient named Stuart is sitting in contemplation. Under the guise of being a healthcare worker, Otto proceeds to offer a stem cell treatment to Stuart (The Shawshank Redemption's Morgan Freeman) that