You may remember SEGA announced it's reviving a bunch of its dormant IPs; one of them is Shinobi, and it looks like it'll be the first to release.
The full title of this new game is Shinobi: Art of Vengeance, and it's coming to PS5 and PS4 on 29th August, 2025.
Coming from Lizardcube, one of the devs behind the beloved Streets of Rage 4, this is a side-scrolling action platformer with super stylish visuals.
It looks like you'll have lots of ninja skills to master as you jump, flip, and slash your way through the game.
Details are thin on the ground right now, but it's looking very strong — and the developer has a good track record, so we're pretty confident in this one.
What do you think of Shinobi: Art of Vengeance? Tell us in the comments section below.
Stephen has been part of the Push Square team for over six years, bringing boundless enthusiasm and a deep knowledge of video games to his role as Assistant Editor. Having grown up playing every PlayStation console to date, he's developed an eclectic taste, with particular passion for indie games, arcade racers, and puzzlers. He's also our go-to guy for Sonic-related matters, much to his delight/chagrin.
Looks amazing. If this being made by the same team that did SOR4 then I know it’s in good hands.
It looks amazing!!! Now I’m desperate to play the series now.
Finally a new Shinobi game and it looks awesome. I trust Lizardcube will deliver a great experience just like they did with SoR 4.
I wonder if Yuzo Koshiro gonna compose the music though. And is the protag back to Joe Musashi again?
I'm hype so i'm gonna replay Shinobi PS2 and Genesis ones haha
I am so excited! New 2D Shinobi and new 2D Ninja Gaiden in the same year, I can hardly wait!
This reveal has also given me a bunch more confidence in Sega's whole IP revival plan, I am interested in seeing more of their projects.
Omg, when I saw the «From the creators of Streets of Rage 4»… I am so excited for this game. I love Shinobi and I love Lizard Cube. This'll