Hello! Welcome to the 306th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up!
This week we discuss further about all the ways you can make gold in Season of Discovery and how the economy itself is so unique due to the level cap. We also talk about the bot issues and various farms in SoD. In retail, we have a great guide on how to maximize fishing to make some low key gold without having to move!
My name is Samadan and I'll be your guide through the World of Gold Making!
Season of Discovery has been incredibly popular of late and there are many people focused on the economy of the game. It's a very interesting development and completely different to Hardcore which saw very limited gold slowly increasing over time. We have seen many rush to the current cap and then focus on BoE's to min/max their characters.
Bots have been quite an issue as gold is still limited, so in high demand, thankfully the Blizzard team are aware and doing what they can to mitigate RMT.
Very much aware of the gold farmer issues in Season of Discovery at the moment, radical steps being taken and more action coming asap. In the meantime, remember, friends don't let friends buy gold. Give them a high interest rate loan instead so they can wallow in eternal debt...…
— Tom Ellis (@knowyourgoat) <a href=«https://twitter.com/knowyourgoat/status/1733341962550288441?ref_src=» https:>December 9, 2023We identified a gap in our coverage and have so far already closed several thousand accounts involved in RMT in Season of Discovery in both US & EU. By we I mean our awesome Risk team who are working on their weekend to get things back under control.
— Tom Ellis (@knowyourgoat) <a Read more on wowhead.com