Yesterday, Scavengers Reign, the original sci-fi animated series that premiered last month on Max, concluded with the release of its final three episodes. Co-created by Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner, the 12-episode series follows the adventures of several groups of survivors who crash-land on the alien planet of Vesta Minor. Separated from each other with no possible means of signaling for help, the survivors must trek their way across the hostile and frequently beautiful terrain of this strange world to find their lost ship and return home.
The series has garnered a glowing reception among audiences and critics alike. Annihilation author Jeff VanderMeer and Naughty Dog co-president Neil Druckmann have praised the show as one of the best original sci-fi series on television, and it’s not difficult to see why: It’s a gorgeous survival thriller that features a lush and exotic world populated by strange and memorable creatures, and it follows a cast of complex characters with rich personalities and pasts that make for an engrossing psychological drama. And if you’re looking for a great game to play that explores the same basic elements of ecology, xenobiology, and existential horror as Scavengers Reign, you owe it to yourself to give The Invincible a shot.
Developed by Starward Industries, a Kraków-based indie game studio founded by former CD Projekt Red producer Marek Markuszewski, The Invincible is a first-person sci-fi adventure game based on the 1964 novel by Stanisław Lem, who’s best known for his novel Solaris, which was adapted for the silver screen in 1972 by Andrei Tarkovsky and in 2002 by Steven Soderbergh. In The Invincible, players assume the role of Yasna, an astrobiologist who wakes up on the surface of