Rick from the popular comedy/Sci-Fi series Rick and Morty is known for traveling the multiverse at will for any number of reasons. In one episode of the Adult Swim series, Rick and Morty completely abandon their home dimension and decide to live in a dimension known as C-131–and a comic book spin-off story reveals Rick chose that particular reality because of his daughter, Beth.
In Rick and Morty season 1 episode 6 “Rick Potion #9”, Rick invents a potion that makes Morty’s crush, Jessica, find Morty sexually attractive. However, that serum mutates and becomes airborne, making everyone in the world attracted to Morty, except for Morty’s immediate family who are immune to the symptoms. When Rick tries to fix it by half-hazardly mixing up another batch of potion, he inadvertently turns everyone in the world into terrifying, Cronenberg-style monsters–effectively throwing the world into apocalyptic chaos. After it became clear that Rick couldn’t fix this terrifying 'Cronenberg' problem, he decided to travel to another dimension with Morty where they were dead, allowing them to take the place of their deceased variants and continue on with their lives in an entirely new dimension as if nothing happened.
Related: Rick & Morty's Darkest Lie Shows How Rick Uses Free Will to Justify Evil
In the Oni Press comic Rick and Morty #23 by Kyle Starks and CJ Cannon, a Jerry variant known as Doofus Jerry who is ironically intelligent and dangerous has taken over the Citadel of Ricks and is on a quest to kidnap the ‘Beth-est’ Beth in the multiverse, meaning the best version of herself out of all of her infinite number of variants. As it turns out, the Beth-est Beth is the main Beth in the Rick and Morty series following the episode “Rick
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