The iconic franchise The Real Housewives of New York City is set to return with two new shows, and fans are hoping that certain Big Apple stars will make comebacks in one of the upcoming series. The first show will be a complete reboot starring all-new cast members, and the second will be a spinoff featuring former housewives, which currently has two working titles, RHONY: Throwback and RHONY: Legacy. This decision was made to satisfy long-time fans of the Housewives franchise, as well as viewers who are craving a RHONY shakeup with new faces. Fans of RHONY were concerned about the popular reality show's fate when the season 13 reunion was unexpectedly canceled.
Andy Cohen recently discussed the RHONY plans.Viewers who were curious about the show's 14th season will be happy about this new announcement, especially knowing that the series does have a future after all. Housewives fans will enjoy the best of both worlds with the new shows. They can watch their favorite RHONY stars return in the spinoff, but also meet a new friend group based in NYC that represents women from different backgrounds.
Related: Dorinda Medley Admits She's ‘Open’ To Joining RHONY Again
Bravo fans are already thinking about their dream cast for the RHONY throwback reunion. “Our loyal fans have spoken as to what they want to see and what they don’t want to see — and we’ve taken that all into account,” Andy told Variety. It is safe to say that fans won't be disappointed when it comes to the return of their favorite OG housewives on their screens. There are many interesting women who starred on the New York City-based franchise for 13 seasons. Viewers will be happy to see any of the old housewives come back. It’s time to talk about which RHONY