In the 1990s, Spider-Man: The Animated Series began an interdimensional quest to save all reality, but after abruptly ending on a cliffhanger, Disney+’s X-Men ‘97 can finally resolve it. The original X-Men: The Animated Series ran from 1992 to 1997 and began Marvel’s shared animated universe with aplomb, garnering critical acclaim and seeing commercial success by reaching over 23 million households at its peak. Now, Marvel will return to its ‘90s Saturday morning serials via X-Men's Disney+ reboot, giving the revived series a prime opportunity to finally give Peter Parker his happily-ever-after.
Originally aired in 1994, Spider-Man: The Animated Series was Marvel’s second longest-running show next to its sister series X-Men. Written to be a more faithful adaptation of the comic books, Spider-Man’s feature cartoon was one of many to establish a shared universe long before the MCU movies helped popularize the concept. After five seasons of adventures, the show ended suddenly in 1998, but not before hinting that a supposedly deceased Mary Jane is still alive and waiting for Peter somewhere in the multiverse.
Related: Spider-Man Did No Way Home's Multiverse Story 24 Years Before The MCU
For a show that was supposed to end close to three decades ago, Disney+ pushing to revisitX-Men hints there’s unfinished business in the animated world of ‘90s Marvel. While it’s unlikely that Spider-Man: The Animated Series will get a revival like X-Men has, it would make sense for X-Men ‘97 to help bring closure to its sister series. Considering Spider-Man’s intertwined history with Xavier’s team of mutants and the unproduced last season of Spider-Man: The Animated Series, acknowledging X-Men’s past by reuniting the two shows for one last