@MaulTsir I felt the exact same way after I had finished the game, so I powered through to get the platinum. The last few ciphers were a pain, and I almost gave up on a couple of occasions!
@JohnnyShoulder I actually have alot of the ciphers I checked and I have them all for B1 and 2 and 3, 4 and 6 I nearly have them all completed, although I don't have many for B5 which is actually the one I least like being in lol. But I know when it comes to the final few I'll have a nightmare finding them lol.
I know I have to do those gold rooms as well but I've managed to smash a few out last night.
@MaulTsir That is roughly where I was at when I had finished the story. Good luck, and hopefully the rng gods are smiling at you!
@MaulTsir B2 ciphers were the bane of my existence… and this is the case for many players. So if you already have all the B2 ciphers, then you are in great shape mate.
Go get that Plat!!!
@Kidfried The game could and would have been a challenge if it was simply a normal game and erased the silly demons souls/returnal loop function. I could have played it, finished it eventually and enjoyed it. Then replayed it, most likely more than a few times.
But instead I spent hours getting nowhere. Being frustrated at rng deaths and dying instantly to new and op enemy types I hadn't encountered after a two hour run. And stillno progress was made. The perma upgrades were so insignificant as to not be any real value. I never felt like I was getting anywhere. And the length of time each run took simply to get back to teh last point you died was frustrating. Here, let's go through this ENTIRE THING again, to get back tothe really hard part where you died, only to die at that part again. After a two hour slog to get to it.
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