A hilarious Pokémon meme pokes fun at the fact that the franchise's mammalian creatures lay eggs as if they were birds or reptiles. The beloved monster collection series' supernatural creatures are all extremely unique, with some being based on real animals while others are more otherworldly. However, all Pokémon hatch from eggs, which can seem very strange once carefully considered for a while.
The Pokémon series has assembled a large and loyal fanbase through the release of video games, films, animated television series, a trading card game and more. While the fantasy franchise is widely beloved, gamers sometimes use memes to poke fun at the more humorous or bizarre aspects of Nintendo's series. The Pokémon Company often maintains close communication with its fans, too, which allows the series' creator to play into fans' jokes and expectations. For example, a new animated Pokémon short film titled Bidoof's Big Stand was recently released on YouTube. The adorable and hilarious video is a reference to the Pokémon Brown Bidoof meme, which pokes fun at the harmless beaver Pokémon by exaggerating its power and popularity.
Related: Pokémon: Bidoof's Big Stand Animation Pays Tribute to the Meme Pokémon
Created by Reddit user mehchinegun, a memetic Pokémon webcomic addresses the strange nature of Pokémon eggs. While it seems natural for the bird-like Talonflame to hatch from an egg, the method of reproduction does not fit with mammals like Growlithe. However, mehchinegun's meme also emphasizes the fact that Pokémon are fictional creatures and therefore can not actually be mammals. Reddit comments discussed the topic further, expressing that mammalian births in Pokémon would be uncomfortable and addressing the oddity of Ghost
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