Raid battles in Pokémon GO during the Valentine's Day event will offer players a chance to catch Lickitung, a powerful Normal-type Pokémon. Lickitung, whose only weakness is Fighting-type moves, can be a real asset to player teams when taking on Gym Battles or Raid encounters in Pokémon GO. While it is possible to catch Lickitung in the wild at other times of the year, its appearance in Raid Battles could offer the opportunity to get one with higher states or CP, making it a better option for battles.
To start getting ready for spring, Pokémon GO's events for February 2022 offer players a collection of challenges. February started with the Lunar New Year event, offering players opportunities to catch Litleo and other event-themed Pokémon species, and will end with the Johto Tour event at the end of the month. The Valentine's Day event, which will run between February 10 and February 14, offers a 2x Candy Bonus while catching Pokémon, a 2x bonus to Lure Duration during the event, and increases the spawn odds of numerous adorable, Valentine's Day-themed Pokémon. This includes the debut of Flabébé and its Fairy-type evolutionary line.
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According to PokémonGoLive, players will also be able to find a variety of Valentine's Day-themed Raid battles throughout the duration of the event. This will include Lickitung, which will appear alongside Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Gardevoir, and Gallade in Three-Star Raid battles. Lickitung is a Normal-type Pokémon that evolves into Lickilicky using 100 Lickitung Candy and the Pokémon GO evolution item, the Sinnoh Stone. It has resistance to Ghost-types while packing a punch with quick moved like Zen Headbutt and Charged